Picture of John Boitnott

John Boitnott

A freelance writer with 25 years of experience in online consulting, marketing and journalism. As a professional writer with a background in the newsroom, I have advised and created content for a wide variety of sites and publishers, helping them build their popularity on the Internet. I currently write about everything from startups and entrepreneurship, to personal finance and work-life balance. I contribute regularly to Entrepreneur.com and Readwrite.com. I write about personal finance, debt and budgeting for Motley Fool, behind their Allocator product paywall. I write about product and entrepreneurship for JotForm. I also write about content marketing for Clearvoice. In the past I wrote for many other online publications, including INC.com, USAToday, Fortune Magazine, BusinessInsider, Venturebeat, and FastCompany. I have worked as a web editor for NBC, social media manager for Village Voice Media as well as an online marketing strategist for multiple companies, including IGN and MySpace (back in the day). I have held online marketing and sales roles at numerous publications, startups and agencies over the years. I began my marketing career in 2006 while working at a major-market NBC TV affiliate web site, nbcbayarea.com - using my extensive newsroom experience and burgeoning social media knowledge to help bring traffic to the site. As a web editor I also gauged performance, charted improvements, incorporated video, slideshows and reporter blogs.